The ear is composed of several parts, including the eustachian tube. This tube is a passageway connecting the middle ear to the throat. Its purpose is to regulate airflow and drain fluids. If it gets blocked, the liquid builds up behind the eardrum, leading to an infection.

A virus or bacteria can cause an ear infection. Most of the time, these infections happen after a cold, flu, or other illnesses. They can cause a lot of discomfort, especially in children.

Statistics show that five in six children suffer from at least one ear infection before their third birthday. With kids, the challenge of this illness is that they may be unable to communicate their symptoms. Since that is the case, you need to look for specific symptoms.

What are the Common Symptoms of Ear Infections?

Pain and discomfort are the primary ear infection symptoms. Some people may feel a constant pressure in their ears that affects their hearing. 

When dealing with children, observe their actions to identify if they are suffering from an ear infection. The discomfort will interrupt their sleep patterns and cause irritability. You will notice they cry more than usual and are generally fussy. They may also tug or rub their ears.

Once you identify that you or your child has symptoms of an ear infection, the next step is to get an official diagnosis from the doctor.

ear infection

Diagnosing Ear Infection

Proper diagnosis of an ear infection is crucial to understanding what steps to take. There are several levels of infection, ranging from mild to severe. Based on the findings, the doctor can prescribe appropriate ear infection treatments. 

When you visit your doctor, the first thing he will do is ask about your symptoms. Then, he will do a visual inspection using an otoscope. A healthy eardrum is clear and pinkish. So, a red and swollen eardrum is a common sign of an infection.

Other tests may be performed to get adequate information about the infection. From there, the doctor can recommend an ear infection treatment.

Types of Ear Infection Treatment

The immune system can resolve mild infections within just a few days. You can take over-the-counter pain relief medication to help with the symptoms and discomfort. 

If the infection is more severe, the doctor can prescribe a series of antibiotics depending on the severity of the infection. 

More severe cases may lead to surgery. This ear infection treatment is used when it is the only course of action to prevent further damage. 

Emergency Treatment for Ear Infections at PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care

Emergency medical services may not always be necessary for ear infection treatment. The body can handle mild cases in a matter of days. However, there are cases where the infection becomes severe, leading to symptoms like pus coming out of the ears, loss of hearing, and high fever.

PRESNow Urgent & Emergency Care

Unlike most ERs or urgent care centers in the area, PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care in Albuquerque, patients are only billed for the level of services they need. The ER and urgent care are open 24 hours a day, every day. No appointment is required for in-person visits.

PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care has four convenient locations:

  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Paseo/San Pedro is located at 6400 Paseo Del Norte Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, and may be reached at 505-596-2100.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Coors/Western Trail is located at 4515 Coors Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120, and may be reached at 505-596-2200.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Isleta/Rio Bravo is located at 3436 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105, and may be reached at 505-596-2300.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Menaul/Pennsylvania is located at 7400 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, and may be reached at 505-596-2400.