The human body needs water and fluids to function well. Drinking the right amount of water daily helps regulate the body temperature, keeps your joints lubricated, delivers nutrients to the various cells, prevents infections, and your organs can function well. Dehydration is when you lack enough fluids in your body to keep everything working.

Experts recommend drinking about a gallon of water each day. That is only a baseline, however. Every person is different. The needs of one person may not be similar to another. Someone who stays at home for work the whole day may need a gallon of water, but an athlete who trains the entire day will need a lot more.

Most people forget to drink water because they are not reminded to do so. You can make it a habit by having a water bottle with you wherever you go. Whether you are in the gym or the office, a refillable bottle is a constant reminder to take sips now and then. That is way more effective than drinking large amounts a few times to avoid dehydration symptoms.

If you are not careful with your water intake and continue to forget it, you can suffer from dehydration.

The Common Causes of Dehydration

Several things can cause a person to get dehydrated. Surprisingly, one of those is simply forgetting to drink enough water daily. Other ways to get dehydrated are:

  • Losing fluids from sweating while working out or spending time in the sauna.
  • Experiencing diarrhea and not drinking enough to replenish what is lost.
  • Like diarrhea, you can vomit profusely and lose too many fluids.
  • Medicines that trigger extra urination like water pills.

Severe Dehydration Symptoms and Effects

There are different levels of dehydration. It starts as mild, and the symptoms include:

  • Being thirsty
  • Dry mouth and lips
  • Dry skin
  • Headache
  • Experiencing muscle cramps
  • Not peeing much, and if you do, the color is very dark

Severe dehydration symptoms include those stated above and the following:

  • High pulse rate
  • Feeling very dizzy and nausea
  • Low, shallow breathing
  • Sunken eyes
  • Lack of energy
  • Fainting
  • Not urinating

Who is Most at Risk for Being Dehydrated?

Anyone can suffer from dehydration symptoms given the right circumstances. However, there are groups of people who are more at risk.

Babies and toddlers are at risk because they may not know they are thirsty and cannot get drinks on their own. Older people are also at risk because they cannot easily take enough fluids because of existing conditions.

Those who are sick are at risk too. Having a sore throat can prevent a person from drinking water. Diarrhea, vomiting, and fever can all contribute to dehydration. Then some people have chronic diseases like diabetes and pee a lot.

Active people who constantly exercise in the heat are susceptible to dehydration too. They can focus too much on training and competition where they forget to drink enough fluids and electrolytes.


Preventing Dehydration from Happening to You

The best way to prevent dehydration is to create a cycle or habit in drinking water based on your condition. You should also avoid food and drinks high in sugar or caffeine. When exercising, take electrolytes to replenish the nutrients you lose.

Having a water bottle with you every time is an excellent start to building your habit of drinking water regularly.

Get Fast Treatment at PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care

Dehydration can be deadly. There are clear signs to look out for before it gets really bad. If you are no longer urinating and feel dizzy, it is best to seek medical attention where you can get treated right away.

PRESNow Urgent & Emergency Care

Unlike most ERs or urgent care centers in the area, PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care in Albuquerque, patients are only billed for the level of services they need. The ER and urgent care are open 24 hours a day, every day. No appointment is required for in-person visits.

PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care has four convenient locations:

  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Paseo/San Pedro is located at 6400 Paseo Del Norte Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, and may be reached at 505-596-2100.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Coors/Western Trail is located at 4515 Coors Blvd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87120, and may be reached at 505-596-2200.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Isleta/Rio Bravo is located at 3436 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105, and may be reached at 505-596-2300.
  • PRESNow 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Care Menaul/Pennsylvania is located at 7400 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, and may be reached at 505-596-2400.